- That I HATE voice-mail messages more than anything in this world. I wait weeks before I listen to them, so leaving one is pointless. I also just recently hooked up my voice-mail, for job purposes only, after having my new phone for months.
- That I LOVE the beach. There's never a day that I don't want to go!
- In my spare time I love to read blogs...I have bookmarked over 60 that I read everyday...kinda like a newspaper.
- That if I'm ever quite for a long period of time, something is wrong. I talk a million miles per min 24/7 365. lol.
- That I don't answer my phone while I'm driving or when I'm at work. I don't care who you are. You can text me though ;)
- That I can eat sushi everyday of the week
- That my voice cracks when I'm sleepy.
- That I have troubles pronouncing some words like: poem, iron, laps, gala, and foyer. Weird
- That I sleep with socks on every night.
- That my cure for any and everything is Hershey's Milk Chocolate with Almonds and shopping.
tidbits by tiff
If you really knew me you would know...
What's In a Name?
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title
-William Shakespeare
Often times I get caught up in names; titles such as bestfriend, girlfriend, boyfriend, boo, babe etc. and the expectations you place upon people with these titles. When I was younger, and I had "best friends" I would focus on them having the title of best friend instead of them actually being a best friend. So when they did not deliver I was always disappointed.
This quote (which I randomly remembered from reading Shakespear in High School) taught me that it matters not what something is called, but what it actually is, and what it means to you.
Make it a good day!
Happy 2011!

"Never let a calendar tell you when to tell someone you love them, when to take a vacation, or when not to wear white."
...in other words, don't wait for the New Year to start changing your life around and becoming a better person. You determine your destiny.
I recently had an evaluation of my inner circle, or "team" as some people call it, to determine whether or not they were an asset or a liability (for lack of better words). I unfortunately had to let some people go, but in the end I felt so relieved to no longer have this baggage on my heart. It feels amazing to have complete control over who is in your life, and how close they are to you. You are your greatest asset!
Don't wait for the New Year to be happy. Make the necessary decisions and "cuts" that you need to make as soon as possible, because it's better to be happy sooner rather than later.
I wish you joy, happiness, and prosperity in the New Year!
Everybody needs someone to love
Merry Christmas! I hope you had a joyful day with loved ones. I spent this Christmas as I do all Christmases...with my family. But this year it was at my house. I was a little wiry at first, because of all the work that goes into hosting a large family for the holiday, but it turned out great!
I had a mini breakthrough this Christmas and I truly appreciated spending time with my family. I put my iPhone, and computer away, and engaged in the activities and conversation.
I had a very blessed Christmas to say the least, but the best part of my Christmas wasn't the Coco Channel perfume I got, or the Marc Jacobs wallet, but it was reading my Grammy the poem I wrote her. She shed a tear (which I've never seen her do) and she told me I was going to be the next Oprah (at which I laughed hysterically). My grandma swears I could be the President of the United States if I wanted to. That's just how much she believes in me.
It was at this moment that I was filled with so much pride. And I realized that whoever I marry will not only have to live up to my expectations, but they will also have to live up to the expectations that my family sets for me. My family holds me up to a high esteem, so I can't just be with anyone. I wouldn't want to let my Grammy down.
Of course I set my standards pretty high already, but sometimes charm and good looks can get in the way of my judgement. Now I will evaluate or re-evaluate dudes a lot different when it starts to get serious, because I deserve to be with the best.
Posting this song...just because I like it. :) one day me and my special guy will chill on the couch and listen to oldies like this one!
I had a mini breakthrough this Christmas and I truly appreciated spending time with my family. I put my iPhone, and computer away, and engaged in the activities and conversation.
I had a very blessed Christmas to say the least, but the best part of my Christmas wasn't the Coco Channel perfume I got, or the Marc Jacobs wallet, but it was reading my Grammy the poem I wrote her. She shed a tear (which I've never seen her do) and she told me I was going to be the next Oprah (at which I laughed hysterically). My grandma swears I could be the President of the United States if I wanted to. That's just how much she believes in me.
It was at this moment that I was filled with so much pride. And I realized that whoever I marry will not only have to live up to my expectations, but they will also have to live up to the expectations that my family sets for me. My family holds me up to a high esteem, so I can't just be with anyone. I wouldn't want to let my Grammy down.
Of course I set my standards pretty high already, but sometimes charm and good looks can get in the way of my judgement. Now I will evaluate or re-evaluate dudes a lot different when it starts to get serious, because I deserve to be with the best.
Posting this song...just because I like it. :) one day me and my special guy will chill on the couch and listen to oldies like this one!
Dear Mr.
Dear Mr.
I'm a really nice girl. I'm ambitious, and smart, and cute, and fun. I'm not demanding or controlling. I am God fearing. I'm close to my family. I won't ask you to change. I'll learn to cook for you, clean, and wash your clothes. I'll watch the games with you. I'll listen to you when you're sad, and never mention that one time I seen you cry. I'll work my hardest to please you in every way imaginable ;) I'll keep my nails done, hair done, everything did. I will encourage you and support you. I'll pay for the bill...sometimes. I'll have your kids and be the best mother I can be. I will be understanding and forgive you. I will never lie to you. I will stay healthy, and thick, and in shape. I will always be by your side regardless of how much money you have, or don't have. I will encourage you to be a better man everyday. I will never cheat on you.
I will do all of this for you. But can you do one thing for me?
Can you LOVE ME unconditionally? Let me into a place of your heart that no one has ever been? Never let me get too far from your reach. Can you keep me safe from harm? Hold me when I'm cold. Console me when I'm sad. Play with my hair. Tell me you're proud of me. Will you never lie to me, even if the truth may hurt? Can you have the courage to tell me when you're in love, even if its not with me? Will you never cheat on me? Will you believe in me when I don't believe in myself? Will you admit when you're wrong? Will you give me kisses on my nose and forehead and tell me I'm beautiful? Can you always be on my side, even when I'm wrong? Will you give me space when I need it? Can you teach me things, and help me to grow as a person? Can you promise to help me reach my potential, and never hold me back?
If you can Mr., I promise...
I promise to love you with every ounce of my heart.
I'm a really nice girl. I'm ambitious, and smart, and cute, and fun. I'm not demanding or controlling. I am God fearing. I'm close to my family. I won't ask you to change. I'll learn to cook for you, clean, and wash your clothes. I'll watch the games with you. I'll listen to you when you're sad, and never mention that one time I seen you cry. I'll work my hardest to please you in every way imaginable ;) I'll keep my nails done, hair done, everything did. I will encourage you and support you. I'll pay for the bill...sometimes. I'll have your kids and be the best mother I can be. I will be understanding and forgive you. I will never lie to you. I will stay healthy, and thick, and in shape. I will always be by your side regardless of how much money you have, or don't have. I will encourage you to be a better man everyday. I will never cheat on you.
I will do all of this for you. But can you do one thing for me?
Can you LOVE ME unconditionally? Let me into a place of your heart that no one has ever been? Never let me get too far from your reach. Can you keep me safe from harm? Hold me when I'm cold. Console me when I'm sad. Play with my hair. Tell me you're proud of me. Will you never lie to me, even if the truth may hurt? Can you have the courage to tell me when you're in love, even if its not with me? Will you never cheat on me? Will you believe in me when I don't believe in myself? Will you admit when you're wrong? Will you give me kisses on my nose and forehead and tell me I'm beautiful? Can you always be on my side, even when I'm wrong? Will you give me space when I need it? Can you teach me things, and help me to grow as a person? Can you promise to help me reach my potential, and never hold me back?
If you can Mr., I promise...
I promise to love you with every ounce of my heart.
I Miss This
Last Spring I went to Lima, Peru with University of San Francisco, University Ministries. I went with no knowledge of the culture, language, or friends but I left with a calm spirit, lifelong friends, great memories, and a strong appreciation for all cultures. We worked with an organization called Herracion, a program developed to get street children in Lima off of the streets and into school or constructional programs where they learn trades like construction, sewing, and cooking that can benefit them in the future. The founder of Herracion is a Lady named Lucy Bazan. She is the most influential and inspiring women I've ever met. She started the organization and has kept it running by herself, funding and all, and is expanding the organization as we speak. To meet someone with such a giving heart inspires me to be a better person everyday. She lives her life in order to make a better life for others. I pray to be like her someday. I thank God for this experience and hope that everyone is given the opportunity to experience another culture, and another way of living one day. ♥tiff

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