Dear Mr.
I'm a really nice girl. I'm ambitious, and smart, and cute, and fun. I'm not demanding or controlling. I am God fearing. I'm close to my family. I won't ask you to change. I'll learn to cook for you, clean, and wash your clothes. I'll watch the games with you. I'll listen to you when you're sad, and never mention that one time I seen you cry. I'll work my hardest to please you in every way imaginable ;) I'll keep my nails done, hair done, everything did. I will encourage you and support you. I'll pay for the bill...sometimes. I'll have your kids and be the best mother I can be. I will be understanding and forgive you. I will never lie to you. I will stay healthy, and thick, and in shape. I will always be by your side regardless of how much money you have, or don't have. I will encourage you to be a better man everyday. I will never cheat on you.
I will do all of this for you. But can you do one thing for me?
Can you LOVE ME unconditionally? Let me into a place of your heart that no one has ever been? Never let me get too far from your reach. Can you keep me safe from harm? Hold me when I'm cold. Console me when I'm sad. Play with my hair. Tell me you're proud of me. Will you never lie to me, even if the truth may hurt? Can you have the courage to tell me when you're in love, even if its not with me? Will you never cheat on me? Will you believe in me when I don't believe in myself? Will you admit when you're wrong? Will you give me kisses on my nose and forehead and tell me I'm beautiful? Can you always be on my side, even when I'm wrong? Will you give me space when I need it? Can you teach me things, and help me to grow as a person? Can you promise to help me reach my potential, and never hold me back?
If you can Mr., I promise...
I promise to love you with every ounce of my heart.