"Never let a calendar tell you when to tell someone you love them, when to take a vacation, or when not to wear white."
...in other words, don't wait for the New Year to start changing your life around and becoming a better person. You determine your destiny.
I recently had an evaluation of my inner circle, or "team" as some people call it, to determine whether or not they were an asset or a liability (for lack of better words). I unfortunately had to let some people go, but in the end I felt so relieved to no longer have this baggage on my heart. It feels amazing to have complete control over who is in your life, and how close they are to you. You are your greatest asset!
Don't wait for the New Year to be happy. Make the necessary decisions and "cuts" that you need to make as soon as possible, because it's better to be happy sooner rather than later.
I wish you joy, happiness, and prosperity in the New Year!